Get to know J

September 11, 2007 at 8:52 pm (being better, gay, happyness, improving, know me, love, Shy)

This was borrowed from Tigeryogi’s blog:

1. What is your best friend’s Dad’s name? :$ I don’t know if he actually has a regular(any) friend. I must say Juan, wich is the name of my grandfather.

2. What body part do you hate the most? I hate armpits. They are so not cute, though they’re sexy when a guy in a tanktop comes to you…

3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? While I was studying music, my piano teacher was so damn hot. Wojczeck Cvitanic, tall, dark hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a body meant to sin.

4. Have you ever made out in a basement? Since I lived in Chile my whole life, I don’t even know how a basement looks like.

5. What body part do you wash first in the shower? My face.

6. Do you have any piercings? My tongue, my ears, my lip.

7. Do you have any tattoos? I want to have a large tattoo on my back. I think I’ll get it this summer.

8. Is your driveway steep? Nope, I live in downtown. So not steep.

9. What’s your favorite flavored Pringle? Original.

10. Have you ever been tied up? When I played with my sisters and cousins, we used to play Cops and Thieves…

11. What was the worst thing you ever got grounded for? A teacher told me once that I must be stupid or something because I wasn’t writing nay notes, and I told him that simply I was not interested in taking notes for such a simple class. Director called my parents, and I got grounded for like 1 week with no piano, no TV and no cigarettes.

12. Have you ever had two dates in one night? I’ve never even had 2 dates in the same week.

13. How many times have you been cursed at? Sometimes, people use to think that I’m despicable.

14. Which shoe do you put on first? The first I grab.

15. How old are you? 26.

16. Have you ever been to a gay bar? Yes, and their not that spectacular…

17. Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits? Not quite sure…

18. Is there one thing all of the times you have been in love have had in common? Dunno… I think they’re great?

19. Did you French kiss before you were 16? No. Almost at 20.

20. Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? No.

21. Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep? My siblings.

22. Have you ever had a song written about you? No, but I composed a sonata.  About myself, of course.

23. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets or your towel ever again, which would you choose? Definitely the towel.  I can get rid of it and get dry just by the air…

24. Have you ever found anything in your parents’ bedroom that was questionable? Not really.  I’ve never thought that porn was questionable.

25. What was your childhood nickname? Fwan.

26. When is the last time you played the air guitar? Hahaha, when I walk down the street, I tend to play guitar or piano while I’m walking with my IPod.

27. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sex’s locker room? No, I am naive and shy.

28. What’s the weirdest thing you have done while driving? I’m an excellent and reliable driver LOL, I’m awful at driving, I prefer walking.

29. Have you ever bitten your toenails? No…  Can I?  It’s kinda disgusting.

30. How do you normally eat your Oreo cookies? Don’t really like Oreo, because they’re chocolate flavored.  I don’t like chocolate.

31. Name something you do when your same sex friends aren’t around?…  Pick my nose.

32. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? I can bear a lot of Vodka, the rest it’s relative.

33. Why are you doing this survey? Hahahaha, just because!

34. What was the best year of your life? Definitely the next year.  No matter how happy or sad am I, next year will always be better.  That makes me have more hope.

35. Any strange phobias? I’m afraid of bugs, and big heights!

36. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? When I was a child, like 2 yrs old, I stuck a bean up my nose.

37. whens the last time you threw up? Mmm…  :S Whenever I get nervous, I throw up.  😦

38. Have you ever called your love interest by another girl/guys name? No.

39. Have you ever gotten caught sleeping while on a date? Never! Believe me, I’ve waited years for this to happen (me dating); and when it finally happened I was definitely not sleeping.

40. Have you ever played naked Twister? Not naked, not dressed.  Don’t like it.

41. Have you ever been drunk at work/school? At college I was drunk way more than just once.

42. How many Ellie’s do you know? Nope, not even one.


  1. diamondfistwerny said,

    Oh Man, I love armpits!!!!!

    I think they’re gross… But in someway they turn me on, I don’t know why!

  2. deweydjb said,

    I am shy too. I don’t make friends easily. I guess being overweight makes me feel sometimes like I don’t matter. That what I have to say is somehow not important. I would like to get out and make more friends but it is hard. I also don’t like bugs or heights. At all.
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  3. tigeryogi said,

    Hon, if that’s you in the banner photos than you will have to beat guys off with a stick! You are a cutie! 🙂

  4. Ed said,

    I used to be too shy but as I get older I find I just don’t care what others think about me. The other day at School my friend came running over while I was on break with other guys around and told me he got an A on his test and I hugged him and my face turned red but I still didn’t care. (I didn’t know he was going to give me a kiss on the cheek) I told them he was my nephew because they are red-neck bigots who hate gays.

  5. nituru said,

    Yes, you are very cute indeed! Now that you live in the big city, it may not be long before some dude wipes off your feet.
    But you are wise about wishing to make friends first.

  6. Kris said,

    It’ll be better to go with a friend to a gay bar for the first time, I think. The first time I went, it was actually a guy I went on a date with.

    What’s this Japanese poem you have on your back? What is it about? Did it hurt? Where’s a pic!?

    I used to be shy too, and still am actually. I just fake it until it doesn’t look like I’m not and magically, it goes away crazy as that might be. It’s weird since I’m shy yet be bold enough to meet up with a random person after a few hours of talking to them online.

    Well, we’re your friends now!! Eventhough we’re not near, I think we’ll always be friends. I know this sounds corny but sometimes when I see a computer, it kinda makes me smile knowing that I have blogger friends out in the universe. (My fave book is The Little Prince and I seem to apply the things in there to my life) What is essential is invisible to the eye. And when they were talking about the stars in the skies laughing and stuff.

    Oh lord, I’m rambling… Anyway, this is a nice way of getting to know J. I enjoyed it.

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